Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Images of some of the voices in Copenhagen

Dr. Vandana Shiva discussing the problems with modern agriculture.

Barbara Hachipuka Banda from Zambia discussing community-based projects: The Mbabala Women Farmers Cooperative Union

Preparing for the vigil with Desmond Tutu. Believe it or not, I was there helping to set up. We received word that 100,000 marchers were headed to the Bella Center and getting out to return "home" might be difficult. I had plans for a movie screening in the city, so left in time to get out, but missed the guest of honor -- the Archbishop. Hilde, Alex, and Ellen (along with the king and queen)heard his sermon on Sunday.

Also part of the vigil, ice sculptures (rapidly melting) are common symbols around the city. It occurred to me that most represent forms of life without a voice or a minimalized one.

The person on the right Alan Datar, the co-director of the film "Taking Root" (http://takingrootfilm.com/ ) about Wangari Maathai and the Green Belt Movement. I wish I knew the name of the other gentleman from Good Planet. He has been wonderful to us (along with the entire crew from that organization) at the film festival that has been taking place at the Danish Film Institute. The French photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand has organized this amazing series of films, debates and other forms or presentations. He also a very generous host providing food and drink before and after the evening events. But mostly, he is passionate about using art to portray important issues such as climate change to society.

A Q&A session after the film.

Even the stall doors in the bathroom have a "voice"! (At the Fresh Air Center)

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